
The Blocks of Time

How to Manage The Blocks of Time

Schedule and Routines

The Daily Schedule

A good schedule for young children offers a balance between the following types of activities
  • Active and quiet times
  • Larger group activities, small group activities, and time to play alone or with others;
  • Indoor and outdoor play times; and
  • Time for children to select their own activities and time for teacher-directed activities

Including routines and transition times in the daily schedule acknowledge their important and ensures that adequate time will be provided for them. Time must be allowed for some or all of the following routines.
  • Arrival and departure
  • Meals and snacks
  • Resting
  • Self – help skills such as toileting,
  • dressing, and washing hands; Clean – up
  • Transition from one activity to another
Consistency is an important characteristics of the daily schedule. Young children feel more secure when they can predict the sequence of events and have some control over their day. They delight in reminding the teacher that “snack comes next” or telling a visitor that “now we can go outside” Predictability provides children with rudimentary sense of time, as they begin to learn what comes first in the day, second, and last. A consistent schedule also helps build trust.

Until our next lecture!